The journey through adolescence is a rollercoaster ride. Meet Ava and Aria, two teenage girls living in Canada whose story is a testament to the resilience and unwavering spirit that define the teenage experience.

What do you feel is an important cause or issue among teens?
Ava: “Mental health is definitely a big issue for teens! It's easy for kids to develop things like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and whatnot. Mental health has a direct impact on our academics and how we get along with others. Aria recently started high school and was initially pretty nervous about the transition. It's hard for many teens to transition. To help others in the process we both joined a group at school to help ninth graders transition into high school.
Aria: “I’ve noticed people at my school sometimes say offensive things as if they were a joke. My advice to teens at the receiving end of negative comments is to really just ignore them. Not caring what others think can be liberating and leads to greater self-confidence.”
Ava: “I would agree, but not caring what others think doesn't mean disregarding all feedback or perspectives. It means prioritizing your own values and opinions while maintaining a healthy openness to growth and learning. Find a balance so you can live authentically and with confidence. Everyone has flaws and imperfections, just accept and embrace them. Our parents taught us to care less about what others think and to focus on our accomplishments, strengths, and qualities.”
What advice do you have for teens?
Aria: “Surround yourself with positive people, those who uplift and support you. Positive influences reinforce your sense of self-worth.”
